Friday, August 29, 2008


Currently Reading: The Mysteries of Udolpho & Witches and Neighbors

Currently Listening To: Fiona Apple

Tomorrow The Cincinnati Shakespeare Company is performing A Midsummer Night's Dream for free in Eden park. I wish I could go! I've seen a few shows by the Company and loved both of them! Unfortunately I have to work and then I've already made plans. R. looked at me like I was crazy when I mentioned it. He's not much of a Shakespeare fan.
Sunday I'm going to spend all day working on my revisions. I'm really looking forward to it, but I think I'm going to have to set up at Borders, or Barnes and Noble. I've really gotten sick of writing in my house. It just feels very cramped (even though it isn't). I'm not sure if anyone else gets this way, but I just feel like I need a change of scenery.
R. and I finished the 2nd season of Dexter...He was not happy with the way it ended (someone dies), but I loved it. The new season starts September 28th and I can hardly wait. I don't have Showtime though, so I'll probably have to watch it online. I guess that's not all bad as I will get to skip commercials.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Swept From The Sea

Currently Watching: The Simpsons
Currently Reading: The Mysteries of Udolpho

So. On a whim I rented Swept From The Sea from Blockbuster online. All I have to say is: why have I not heard of this movie before? It's so romantic, and well acted! It makes me wonder what other awesome movies I'm missing out on!

Last Saturday was heaven, just as I thought it would be. R. and I cuddled on the couch and watched Dexter. Then we got some dinner, and just hung out together. It was wonderful. Thursday we're heading down the football game at UC. I'm not a huge football fan but I'm still looking forward to it.

I'm steadily working on my novel's revisions still. I've gotten through page 116. Yey! I hope I can up the rate at which I've been working. I'm still confident that I'll meet the deadline I set for myself.

Friday, August 22, 2008

What Is Your Favorite Book???

Currently Listening To: Missy Higgins, "Where I Stood"
Currently Reading: The Mysteries of Udolpho

Don't laugh, but I'm only 20 pages into Mysteries. I've been so busy... Tomorrow is my day off of everything and I'm so excited. It feels like Christmas (well, okay, not really).

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Currently Listening To: the 10 o'clock news.
Currently Reading: The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe (Northanger Abbey is to blame. I just want to know what Catherine was so obbsessed with.)

I've been so busy this week! I can't wait until Saturday. I've got a day off of everything, so R. and I are going to cuddle up and start watching season 2 of Dexter. I'm such a homebody!

So I discovered a BBC movie that I haven't seen (shocking I know), and I'm dying to get it! But sadly Sparkhouse is only available in Region 2 I've decided I'm going to ask for a region free player for my birthday in November. I'm pretty sure that there are a million BBC dvds I'd love, that aren't available here in the US.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Check out KoKo

Currently Listening To: KoKoKaina

Currently Reading: No Regrets by Michele Young.

If you've never heard of KoKoKaina please click on the link. You'll fall in love with her immediately! She has this beautiful, vintage jazz sound. I can't wait until her first CD comes out.

Well as far as my revisions go...I'm up to page 109! I'm spending every spare moment I have on them. It's still slow going though. I've been adding more romance in as I go. I think with almost any book I read, the true reason for my like or dislike is the romance (with the possible exception of Harry Potter). I grew up reading fairy tales and watching Disney movies. I get so much satisfaction when a character gets her prince. Don't you?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Making Pies

Currently Listening to: Patty Griffen "Making Pies"
Currently Reading: Nothing. I'm waiting for The Gallows Girl to get to my house. I had to order it on b/c it's not available here in the US.

Well I finished Breaking Dawn. Don't worry, I won't post any was very good though. Exactly what I'd expect from Stephenie Meyer. I literally spent the past 3 days doing almost nothing but revising. I think with this new revision my book might end up being a lot longer than I initially planned. I suppose that's a good thing, b/c my first draft was only 50k words. The only break I took from revising was to start watching Dexter on dvd with R., my significant other. We were bored on Thursday and picked it up on a whim I had, but it is really, REALLY good. R. loves it too. He was surprised that I chose something he actually enjoyed. Sigh. I guess I've bombarded him with too many chick flicks :) in the past.

There's been a cool front in Cincy for almost a week now, and it's been amazing. I'm so ready for fall! I actually hate summer in general. There's too much sun and heat. I think I could happily live in Seattle (just for the rain). People look at me like I'm insane when I say I'm excited for snow.... Snow and ice always go together here and it often leads to horrible traffic. But who cares about the awful traffic when the landscape is so beautiful?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sweetest Downfall

Currently Reading: Breaking Dawn
Currently Listening to: "Samson" by Regina Spektor
"You are my sweetest downfall..." That has to be one of my all time favorite lines from a song. And it fits well with how my mc feels for her love interest. Once I've got the revisions finished, I'll come up with a playlist for my book. I love it when my favorite authors do that. It's a great way to go even further in depth into the characters' emotions. Does anyone else enjoy this?
Speaking of my revisions I'm hoping to make it to 50 percent finished by Monday night. It's a pretty steep goal, but we'll see how I do.