Currently Listening To: My Jack Russell tapping around the house.
Currently Reading: Nothing, sigh, I'm still waiting for Breaking Dawn to come out on Saturday.
My revisions are going well. I've hit a wall a few times over the past couple of days, but I think I've made it through. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm so anxious for Breaking Dawn to come out! It's awesome that 2 Stephanie Meyers books have come out this year! The Host was excellent, with 2 very compelling love stories.
The next book that I'm really looking forward to is The Temptation of the Night Jasmine, by Lauren Willig. Every book she writes is better than it's predecessor.
Anyway, enough blabbing about books I want to read...Let's move on to the books I'm writing!
Since I put up a picture of the main character from my first novel, I thought I'd post one of my MC from my second novel (still a WIP - with a LONG way to go) too. This is very close to how I imagine her:

Oh, she's lovely. Is the photograph of an actress?
Yep :) Her name is Felicity Jones. She played Catherine in the BBC's recent production of Northanger Abbey.
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