Currently Reading: The Luxe
I've started an intensive rewrite of my first chapter, and it's giving me a lot of trouble this time around. I've now been sitting in front of my computer typing for 7 hours, during which I've managed to type 3 pages (at least 3 that I'm satisfied with). It's possibly the most frustrated I've ever been with my novel. I love Imogene (my mc), now if she'd only do something interesting!
I finished Nefertiti yesterday and found it merely readable. My main issue with it was the passage of time. Years go by in a few pages, and I felt cheated. I wanted to know what happened

I'm only two pages into The Luxe, so it's impossible to judge it at this moment, but I'll be sure to post what I think of it.
Is this your new WiP, or are you reworking your other book to submit?
Either way, good luck!
Jill, it's my old novel... I need it to be perfect. To be honest the rejection is starting to smart a bit. Thanks for the good wishes!
good luck, maggie! totally rootin' for you!i enjoyed nefertiti. the only issue i had was that the ending seemed a bit abrupt? maybe that was the same feeling you had with time compression?
can't wait to see what you think about the luxe.
I recently revised my first 50 pages and am requerying. It was hard, but worth it. Even if no one picks it up at least I know I put out my best work.
But it was getting to the point when I was getting cross-eyed. :-)
Good luck. You're almost there!
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